Dictionary N




NAGAOKA HIDEKAZU (1876-1952) Kodokan 10th Dan

Came to Tokyo from his birth place, Okayama at the age of 16 to seek out the Shihan. Entered the KODOKAN in 1893 and practised so hard it was said of him, "The technique is Sutemi, the man is Nagaoka." Many of his contests are still the subject of countless reminiscences. All his efforts were poured into the training of young teachers and he was of the greatest assistance to the President of the KODOKAN. He did much to gain for the KODOKAN the secure position it enjoys today and was promoted 10th DAN on December 27, 1937 by Jigoro KANO, just a few months before Jigoro KANO died. He is one of only three 10th DANs promoted to that rank by the founder of JUDO. He and Isogai were the first students of KANO to be promoted to 10th DAN while alive, and he was the youngest man ever to be promoted to 10th DAN. He passed away on November 22, 1952.


NAGE (Throw from the word ‘NAGERU’, to throw.)

If a contestant lands the opponent clearly and firmly on his/her back, with the key elements of speed, force and control, the referee awards IPPON. If a contestant throws someone slightly on his/her side, that is worth only YUKO; and if he/she is merely knocked on to his/her backside or thighs, it is a KOKA.



Repetitive throwing practice


NAGE NO KATA (Throwing Forms)


It is the first KATA of JUDO. The NAGE no KATA (Throwing Forms), the First Part of the RANDORI-NO-KATA (Free Exercise Forms). This KATA is attack-based and self-defense oriented. It teaches the principles in the context of strategies of combat. It was created by Professor Jigoro KANO in 1888, and it was modified and standardized in 1905 and 1907.

This KATA consists of 15 representative techniques, divided into five groups of three. Each group illustrates three throws of a particular type.

Each throw is done to the right and the left and in a strict prearranged sequence of movements.


The groups are:



TE WAZA (Arm-throws)

  • UKI OTOSHI (Floating drop)
  • SEOINAGE   (Shoulder throw)
  • KATA-GURUMA (Shoulder wheel)
  • KOSHI WAZA (hip throws)
  • UKI GOSHI (Floating hip throw)
  • HARAI GOSHI (Hip sweep)
  • TSURI KOMIGOSHI (Lift-pull hip throw)



ASHI WAZA (Leg-throws)

  • OKURI ASHI BARAI (Foot sweep)
  • SASAE TSURIKOMIGOSHI (Supporting foot lift-pull throw)
  • UCHI MATA (Inner-thigh reaping throw)


MA SUTEMI WAZA (Front-sacrifice throws)

  • TOMOE NAGE (Circular throw)
  • URA NAGE (Back throw)
  • SUMI GAESHI (Corner throw)


YOKO SUTEMI WAZA (Side sacrifice-throws)


  • YOKO GAKE (Side body drop)
  • YOKO GURUMA (Side wheel)
  • UKI WAZA (Floating throw)


For Reading

Leggett, Trevor P., “The Demonstration of Throws (Nage no Kata), London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham, 1963, 70p.


NAGERU (to throw)

In JUDO the use of the hands (TE), hips (KOSHI), feet and legs (ASHI) in a coordinated trend and in accordance the principles of physics in such a way that you cause your opponent to fall or roll forward, backward, or to the side.


NAGE WAZA (Throwing Techniques)

Techniques in which the opponent (UKE) is thrown. KODOKAN JUDO includes 67 official throwing techniques, including 15 hand (TE), 11 hip (KOSHI), 21 foot (ASHI), 5 supine sacrifice (MA SUTEMI), and 15 side sacrifice (YOKO SUTEMI) techniques. Plus counter-techniques (KAESHI WAZA). A modern Non-Japanese JUDOKA need know only 15 throws to begin with.



Daigo Toshiro: Francoise White, “Kodokan Judo: Throwing techniques”, Kodansha Europe,   2005, 285p, ISBN 0875231438

Kudo Kazuzo, “Judo in action: throwing techniques”, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publication Trading, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1989, 127p ISBN 0870400746.

Okano Isao: Sato Tetsuya, “Vital judo: Throwing techniques”, Tokyo, Japan, Japan Publication, 1973, 191p, ISBN 0870401734.


NAKANO SHOZO (1888-1977) Kodokan 10th Dan

He was born in January 1888. He was promoted to 10th Degree Black Belt after his death on December 22, 1977. He became master instructor at Tokyo Ikashika University (Medical School). He energetically promoted KODOKAN JUDO to the world. His uchimata throw was very famous. He said „My strategy is to let my opponent get his favorite satisfactory grip and then I find my own way of chance to throw my opponent.”


NAMES (“Myo”)

Japanese names are always written with the family name first, followed by the first name. Proper names in Japan fall into four main categories: place names, family names men’s names, and women’s names, to which are added special names, names of Buddhist monks, and honorifics. In former times the complete name was composed (for the nobility) of the clan name, followed by the function of the person, then the family name, and finally the surname. In general the Japanese have only one first name. Formerly they were given names which varied according to their occupation. Today the suffixes San or SAMA are used after the family or first names.



Common, ordinary, usual


NAMI JUJI SHIME (JIME) (Normal cross strangle)

A strangle. In groundwork (NE-WAZA), a strangulation technique from the front, wrists and hands gripping the lapels of UKE’s JUDOGI, thumbs inside the collar so that your palms are down. The technique commonly recognized as SODE-GURUMA-JIME.


NANAME SHITA UCHI (diagonal downward cut)

An exercise in the second set of the SEIRYOKU ZEN’YO KOKUMIN TAIIKU.



“Side by side”



A strangulation technique with the arms crossed.


NE SHISEI (mat posture)

One’s position on the mat while ground fighting, for example prone or supine and also including attack and defense positions with one knee up, atc.


NESHOBU (grappling; mat work)

JUDO match in which grappling on the mat becomes the focus of the contest. (See also TACHISHOBU).


NE-WAZA (Mat Work)

"Ne-waza" (Ground techniques) are part of the KATAME-WAZA (Grappling techniques) group, and they include OSAE-KOMI-WAZA(Hold-down techniques) and KANSETSU-WAZA (Joint locks). As the name implies, these Waza are performed on the ground, and are used to hold an opponent down and disable his movement.
The representative NE-WAZA (Ground techniques) include the KESA-GATAME (Scarf hold) in which the TORI (Player executing technique) upper body covers the supine Uke (Player receiving opponent's attack) from one side, the Shiho-gatame (Four-corner hold) in which TORI (Player executing technique)
 covers the supine UKE (Player receiving opponent's attack) with his own upper body to hold him down, and the Juji-jime (Cross strangle) in which Tori (Player executing technique) grasps both UKE (Player receiving opponent's attack)'s collar with hands crossed in a strangle hold.
A KANSETSU WAZA (Joint locks) in which the opponent's elbow joint is bent backwards could cause an injury, and is therefore prohibited under the junior rules.

(See IJF CONTEST RULES, Article 16)



Geesink, Anton, “Judo principles: Newaza”, London, United Kingdom, W. Foulsham, 1969, 95p, ISBN 0572005970.

Kotani Sumiyuki: Osawa Yoshimi: Hirose Yuichi, “Newaza of Judo”, Kobe, Japan, Koyano Bussan Kaisha, 1973, 153p



RANDORI primarily involving mat work.



  • A holder of the second grade Black Belt.
    two steps

NIDAN-KO-SOTO-GAKE (Two-Step Minor Outer Hook)

A foot technique throw. TORI steps somewhat to the side of UKE’s left foot and puts his/her right foot round the heel as if making a KO-SOTO-GARI attack.


NIDAN-KO-SOTO-GARI (Two-step minor outer reaping)

A foot technique throw. A throw in which you reap UKE’s leg twice, once to draw him/her forward, then again at the instant he/she has transferred his/her weight to that foot. This throw is an extension or continuation technique of KOSOTOGARI used when the opponent has avoided KOSOTOGARI by lifting his/her left foot forward and out of trouble. In so doing , UKE has to place all his/her weight on to his/her other foot.

Combination Techniques:             OSOTO GARI

                                          TANI OTOSHI

Counter Techniques:                    UCHI MATA


NIGIRI (grip)

The type of grip used to hold on UKE’s collar or sleeve.


NIHON BUDOKAN (Japan Budokan)



NIHON SHOBU (Two-point Match)

Normal competition is arranged on the basis of IPPON SHOBU (One Point Match). But in training JUDO exponents often train in the method of Nihon Shobu in which victory is determined by the competitor who secures two points.


NIHON SEOI-NAGE (Two-armed shoulder throw)




He is a pioneer of US JUDO. He was United States Division JUDO champion three times, in 1965, 1966 1970. In 1965 he retired as the National AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) Grand Champion. A member of four United States international teams, he won a gold medal in the Pan-American Games in 1967.NISHIOKA was also the British-Colombian Champion in1966, and placed 5th in the WORLD JUDO CHAMPIONSHIPS in 1965 and 1967. He is also a black belt in Shotokan KARATE. After retiring from competition, he became a physical education instructor at Los Angeles City College in California, heading its martial arts program. He has authored several books on JUDO. (See Sec of BOOK ON JUDO)


NOGAREKATA (Way of Escaping or Avoiding)

The way of JUDOists evades or reacts to his/her opponent’s technique.



Old name of RANDORI (Free practice) before KODOKAN JUDO.



There are some Non-KODOKAN KATAs. These KATAs can be referred to as private variation patterns. Those have been developed by qualified JUDO teachers; some of these teachers are KODOKAN men.




GO NO KATA (form of “Hardness”) constructed by KANO JIGORO


RENHOKO NO KATA (arrest method)